Where can I find the script and tracking code to install on my website?

Where can I find the script and tracking code to install on my website?

To find your tracking code for a project:
  • View your Projects and click the Settings button for the Project you want to use and choose the How to Install menu option.
  • You'll see the tracking code displayed. Select and copy the code then add it to the page on your website where you would like to display the survey.
  • Each Project has its own unique tracking code, so make sure that you use the right code.
  • Once you've installed the tracking code on your website, use the checker tool (in Settings/How to Install) to test the code's correctly installed and working properly
There are three ways to add tracking code:
  1. For a basic HTML website, the basic method is to copy-and-paste the SightMill tracking code into your HTML webpage.
    1. Copy the tracking code from SightMill (Project Settings > How to install)
    2. Paste it into your webpage, ideally before </head> but it can be anywhere.
  2. If you are running a Wordpress site, install our plugin to allow you to easily add the tracking code to a page - from your website’s Wordpress admin console. Read more here.
  3. If you are using Google Tag Manager (often used with Google Analytics), you can add the SightMill tracking code from Google Tag Manager without having to directly edit anything on your website. Read more here.

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