The follow-up question is displayed to the survey's recipient after the first and main NPS question. The first question asks 'how likely are you to recommend Company X to your friends and colleagues' and the follow-up question asks 'Why did you give this score'.
You can edit the wording of the follow-up question to an email survey by clicking on the Settings icon for your Project and then choosing the Email Verbatim Design menu option. There are two tabs:
- Verbatim Follow-up lets you edit the text of the follow-up question displayed.
- Verbatim Color and Text lets you edit the web page's header text, colors and styling.
Click on the Verbatim Follow-up tab and you can enter the text of the question and you can also set up different questions depending on the type of response given to the initial NPS question.
For example, if someone score 0-6 (detractor) you could set the question to be 'So sorry you have had a poor experience, what could we do better?' whilst a respondent who scored a 9-10 (promoter) might be asked 'Thanks for being such a supporter, is there something we can improve further?'
Note: Best practice is to ensure you don't ask leading questions and ask the same 'Why did you give this score' to all respondents.
How the follow-up question is displayed
When is the follow-up question displayed?
When a contact receives your email survey, they respond by clicking on the score they choose. This score is recorded by SightMill and the contact is then directed to a unique webpage where the follow-up question is displayed.
You can customize the look and design of this web page through the settings on Verbatim Color and Text tab.