How do setup an email contact data file?

How do setup an email contact data file?

SightMill accepts data in standard CSV (comma-delimited) file format. This is a standard export option from MS-Excel and most spreadsheet software, or you can use a text editor.

A quick way to create a simple data file ready to import into SightMill is to use Excel.

The simplest way to prepare this is use Excel. You'll find a sample CSV file you can download here. Alternatively, create a new worksheet in Excel and in the first row, enter the eight field headings required by SightMill, each in a different column (FirstName, Surname, Email, Segment, Spend, Product, Tag, Owner).

Now enter the data for the first contact in row 2 (you don't need to complete all the cells, just the email address). Now export as a CSV file.

You can now import this CSV file directly into SightMill.

Tip: If you are adding tags to a customer contact record, separate multiple tags with a comma and make sure you enclose them all within double-quotes. For example, to add the tags 'Chicago' and 'Key Account' to one record, the CSV would include "Chicago, Key Account"

NOTE: uploading a CSV file is the easiest way to get started with an email campaign, but you can also link your CRM system directly to SightMill - see the section on integration