Employee surveys - sending your first eNPS employee survey by email

Employee surveys - sending your first eNPS employee survey by email

Setting up an employee (eNPS) survey follows exactly the same steps as an NPS email survey - with one important difference that you should make sure respondants are anonymous (unlike customer surveys, where you want to be able to identify the person providing feedback, for employee surveys it's best-practice to ensure they are anonymous so you can reassure your employees that there results will be totally anonymous).

Creating an email employee eNPS survey is very straightforward using SightMill. Follow these simple steps and you'll have a tailored email ready to go to your contact list to your schedule.

Create a new Project for your email survey

1. Select Home menu on the left hand side to view the welcome page. Click on the large Setup Project button at the bottom of the screen.

2. Follow the two steps to enter the basic settings for your Project: enter a name for your project and set the 'Email surveys' option 'on'. Click Next. Now choose the category for your survey and time zone. (These settings are not shown to survey respondants.) You've now created a new project.

Upload your email contact data

3. Open your new project's settings menu (click on the blue button to the far right of the Project row, with a spanner icon).

4. Select the Email Data List menu option. First upload your list of email addresses. The simplest way to prepare this is use Excel and in the first row, enter the eight headings, each in a different column (FirstName, Surname, Email, Segment, Spend, Product, Tag, Owner).

5. Now enter the data for the first contact in row 2 (you don't need to complete all the cells, just the email address). Now export as a CSV file.

6. In SightMill, click Select File to choose your CSV email contact data file.

For your first data file you can use the Default data file to store your your contact list - you can also create a new list so you can support multiple different lists with different schedules.

7. Check your data file contents are displayed correctly in the preview panel. When you're ready, click the Upload button to import your data file into SightMill.

Set the schedule to send the surveys

8. Next, set the schedule to send out your surveys. Click on the Email Schedule menu option to set a schedule to send out survey emails to your contact list. First, enter a name for this schedule (eg 'Daily User Group A') and select the contact list from the drop-down (in this case, Default).

9. Importantly, click the Anonymize Respondant switch to 'on'.

10. We want to send a daily email, so choose 'Daily' from the Preset Frequency option and in Run At enter a time to send out the emails.

11. Click the Add button and your new schedule will be created and will start running automatically

Edit the email layout and text

12. Lastly, create the email template by selecting the Email Template menu option.

13. In the editor panel, select the Template drop-down (top left of the editor window) to start. Let's template 'White' to create a plain email.

14. Make any text changes within the editor panel and when ready, click the Save button.

Your email template will be used to send out according to your schedule and with the schedule's chosen contact data list.