Yes, you can embed a SightMill survey within an email campaign sent from third-party email marketing software such as HubSpot, Intercom or similar.
It's easy to setup - look for the Third Party Provider menu in your Project settings.
If you are using Salesforce:
1, select the Salesforce tab
2. We provide code that delivers 0-10 Net Promoter Score survey or a simple customer satisfaction smiley face icons.
3. Select and copy the HTML code and paste it into the email template editor of your email marketing software. You must include a merge field for the receipients email address and a unique ID from your marketing software. There are full instructions on the Settings page.
If you are using any other email marketing system such as HubSpot, Intercom, etc:
1. select the General tab
2. We provide code that delivers 0-10 Net Promoter Score survey or a simple customer satisfaction smiley face icons.
3. Select and copy the HTML code and paste it into the email template editor of your email marketing software. You must include a merge field for the receipients email address and a unique ID from your marketing software. There are full instructions on the Settings page.