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Can Net Promoter Score be negative?
Yes. NPS scores can range from -100 to +100. The calculation is to subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters (you ignore the passives from this calculation). So if you have 100 responses and 40 score 0-6 (detractors), 45 ...
Changing settings to receive an email alert for every survey a user completes
When you create a new Project, the default setting is that your admin email address (the email address you used to sign-up for SightMill) is sent an alert email every time someone completes a survey. You can change this to switch this option on/off: ...
Event surveys - setting up your first NPS survey for an event or training session
Creating an event NPS survey is a great way to request feedback from delegates during or immediately after an event. It's mobile-first, accessed by delegates from their smartphone web browser - no apps to download. Setting up an event is very ...
How to integrate with Salesforce
We provide all the tools to integrate SightMill with Salesforce using webhooks API to receive information from Salesforce and its Apex REST API to send information back to Salesforce. Note: you will need to be comfortable creating Salesforce scripts ...
Email surveys - sending your first NPS survey by email
Creating an email NPS survey is very straightforward using SightMill. Follow these simple steps and you'll have a tailored email ready to go to your contact list to your schedule. Create a new Project for your email survey 1. Select Home menu on the ...